Hey, I'm Pablo.


I'm a passionate full stack developer from SJ, Costa Rica. With over 6 years of experience developing web pages and mobile apps, focused on improving user experiences and ensuring top-notch UI code quality in all project-related processes.

I collaborate with teams to drive software product development, guiding technical decisions from concept to production, and ensuring successful project execution. Here are some projects that I've the privilege of work.

parsley health

My favorite technologies, in which I have extensive experience, are typescript, react, tailwind, graphql, mongodb, postgres, and node . If these technologies resonate with your expertise or interests, there's a strong possibility we can find common ground for work.

I'm currently finishing the university, studying for certify me on aws developer - associate and also learning solidity.

Beyond the IDE, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, reading, exploring new destinations through travel, and savoring diverse food. I'm blending my academic journey with life's enjoyable moments, creating an unique chapter.

Ready to connect?

Let's code together.

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